Python Guess-the-Number Game: Mastering Randomization and User Interaction
Hey everyone! I've recently created a fascinating Python program that tests your intuition and number-guessing skills. Here's a snippet of the code: import math import random # this will take the lowest number from user low = int ( input ( "Please Enter the lowest number: " )) #this will take highest number from user high = int ( input ( "Please Enter the highest number: " )) #this will use random library to generate a random number between the lowest and highest number random_int = random . randint ( low , high ) # this will determine the number of turns needed to complete the game number_of_guesses = round ( math . log ( high - low + 1 , 2 )) # this will count the number off guesses count = 0 # this loop will run until count variable is less then the number of guesses needed for game while count < number_of_guesses : # this will increment the count variable count += 1 # this asks the user for their guess guess = in...