Guess-the-Word Game in Python: A Fun and Interactive Code Project


Discover the thrill of creating an interactive Python program that challenges users to guess a randomly selected word from a list! 🐍💡

Hey fellow programmers and enthusiasts! I recently dived into Python and crafted a captivating "Guess-the-Word" game. This fun project allows users to test their guessing skills by attempting to uncover a secret word from a pool of options.

# random module that will select random values
import random

# words list that will be picked up by random module
words = ["geeks", "something", "anything", "nothing", "maybe"]

# the random word
word = random.choice(words)

# how many turns a user may have
turns = 12

# the guessed characters, if correct, will be stored in this variable
guess = ""

# while loop that runs the program unless the user have 0 turns left
while turns > 0:

# how many times a user have failed will be stores in this variable
fails = 0

# this variable takes input from the user for guess word
guessed = input("Please Enter Your Guess Word: ")

# this stores the above entered guess word to guess variable
guess += guessed

# this loop checks if the user entered word is correct
for char in word:
if char in guess:
print(char, end=" ")

# if not correct it will return a underscore and asks the user again for input

# this updates the fails variable
fails += 1
# this checks if user have 0 fails
if fails == 0:

# if the user have 0 fails it will tell them that they won
print(f"You won. The Correct Word is {word}.")

# this will break the while loop
# this block deals with the case in which guessed word is not found in randomly selected word
if guessed not in word:

# this tells the user they are wrong
print("You are Wrong.")

# this tells them how many turns they have left
print(f"You have {turns} left.")

# this will update turns variable and minus 1 from it
turns -= 1

# this deals if user have no turns left
if turns == 0:
print("You Loose. Better Luck Next Time.")

Key Elements:

  1. Random Selection: Using Python's `random` module, the program selects a word randomly from a predefined list. It’s a dynamic experience every time you play!
  2. User Interaction: Users input their guessed word, and the program provides feedback on correct and incorrect guesses. Each correct letter is revealed, adding an exciting challenge.
  3. Winning & Losing: With a limited number of turns, users aim to guess the word before running out of attempts. Upon guessing correctly, they celebrate their victory, or else, it’s a learning opportunity for the next attempt.

Benefits and Learnings:

  • Enhanced Python Skills: Crafting this game has bolstered my Python programming expertise, particularly in using loops, conditional statements, and user input.
  • Interactive Learning: It's not just about coding; it’s about fostering a gamified approach to learning programming concepts and engaging the user in an interactive experience.
  • Problem-Solving and Logic: The game structure encourages critical thinking and logic while keeping the process fun and engaging.


I'm thrilled to share this creation as it not only showcases my growing proficiency in Python but also serves as an engaging tool for learning and entertainment. Want to try your hand at guessing words? Dive into the code and experience the thrill yourself! 🚀🔠

#PythonProgramming #GameDevelopment #CodingChallenge #InteractiveLearning


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